1. It is amazing that one can improve typing speed and browsing speed just by following a few short cuts which are listed below:
Go to URL:Ctrl + O
Show history:Ctrl + H
Go to top of page:Home
Go to bottom of page:End
Go back:Alt + Left arrow or Backspace
Go forward:Alt + Right arrow or Shift + Backspace
Scroll Up:Up arrow
Scoll Down:Down arrow
Stop page loading:Esc
Refresh current page:Ctrl + R or F5
Save current page:Alt + F then A
Print current page:Ctrl + P
Edit Favorites:Ctrl + B
Add Favorites: Ctrl + D
New browser window:Ctrl + N
Close current window:Ctrl + W
New message:Ctrl + M
Find on current page:Ctrl + F
Move between frames:Shift+Ctrl+Tab
Forward beween links:Tab
Backward between links:Shift+Tab
Go to selected Hyperlink:Enter
2. Paste a copy of this write up in front of your desktop in a few days one will not be required to have a look at these tips.
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Friday, December 28, 2007
Key Board Tips
How to Increase cache Size?
1. One will be able to have internet pages downloaded faster if one is able to provide more hard drive space for storing of the web documents.
2. One can do so by increasing the memory and disk caches size which can be done as listed below:
Open up Internet Explorer>View menu>Options>Advanced tab>Settings>drag slider to a desired percentage>OK
3. The above action definitely help in increase in online assessing speed.
Professional Online Backgammon Tournaments
1. It is said that the returns is directly proportional to risk and thus if one wants to earn while playing online backgammon than one must undertake the transactions through a secured site.
2. Gammon-Fortune has carved a niche for itself in the backgammon online tournaments since year 2001 and people have the requisite faith in it by virtue of its usage of 128 bit encryption
3. If one is interested to play backgammon than one must do so after reading the tips available on the site for the game.
How to Clear Cache Directories in Internet Explorer?
1. One should make it a point to empty Internet Explorer’s cache which enables one to free up the valuable disk space and the same can be done by
Open up Internet Explorer> View menu click Options>Advanced tab>Settings button from the Temporary Internet files section>Empty Folder>OK
2. It ensures valuable space is available for the browser to undertake its operations.
How Can One Improve the Browsing Performance of Internet Explorer Browser
1. One can disable graphics, sound, music, video, and other multimedia files and this action will enable one to browse faster and more efficiently.
2. If one is interested in getting text and one can view it as:
View>Options>general tab>deselect the options not required from multimedia section.
3. One can disable the ActiveX controls and plug-ins and one can perform the said action by Security tab> One should deselect preferably all 4 options>OK
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Reliable Holdem Calculator
1. Do you want a tool which can assist you in making decision while playing poker online? If the answer to your question is yes than the search ends with poker calculator which is an amazing tool as it enables an individual to analyze better and also helps to have a better strategy.
2. It is worthwhile to mention here that a number of tools are available online; however the best tool to have a better win rating is through holdem calculator which lets an individual to assess the odds the moment an online poker table is opened.
3. If the poker odds are known than chances of winning improves substantially as one knows whether one is in a good or a bad position.
Best Internet Connection
1. In India I found the best connection being offered for the internet connection was by BSNL in form of its broadband connection.
2. Remaining all connections just fall short of the expectations. BSNL is best as it is available at all locations irrespective of the location being small or large.
3. Thus if planning to work online than go for BSNL broadband and of course it is a competitve offer also.
Wonderful Collection of Computer Tips
1. I found a wonderful site offering the tips for computers and thought to share the same for the benefit of the community and same goes by the name of computertipsdotcom (do remember to remove dot with actual '.')
2. The site has a beautiful compilation of the tips which will definitely serve the appetite of the information hungry individual.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Boat Donation Initiative
1. Charity for a noble cause needs to be encouraged. Thus it should be the endeavor of every individual to contribute for the organisations indulging in betterment of the world who are trying to eradicate the causes which can destroy generations. A noble inititaive launched for the betterment of the world i.e. to make it a better plce to inhabit is on a drive to raise funds by virtue of selling the boats and yachts at Ebay and mind it these boats and yachts have been contributed by noble people under the drive for Boat Donations for the welfare of the community at large.
2. One can have a view of their fantastic work involving the propagation of non use of the drugs as it makes a person lose control of his/her life and hand over the reins of his life to drugs which can be the worst that can happen to any civilisation. Through funds received by virtue of Charity Boat Donations they have made a documentary propagating non use of drugs and had roped in stars who are the adorable heroes of the world in form of skateboard legends Jay Adams from Dogtown's Z Boys, Christian Hosoi, Dennis Martinez (world champion), Bruce Logan (world skateboarding champion). The star cast had got into the shoes of characters realistically as it is their true life story of their rise and shine like a sun followed by their doom and being dumped due to the usage of drugs. Seeing is believing and one can order for Free DVDs which are delivered free of cost to the desirous individuals and groups.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Laptop Correct Carriage is Important
1. Make sure that the laptop is carried in the designed case as it has to spend a lot of time swinging over an individual shoulder and suffering a number of jerks in trains, buses and bikes/cars.
2. Money spent on a good carry case which hugs the laptop and does not let it move unnecessarily is money well spent. Moreover money now spent will pay its returns by keeping your precious data also safe which may get lost due to jerks.
Save Battery When Outlet Power Not Available
1. One can extend the battery life by being intelligent as we know that the screen draws the most power from the battery.
2. When one does not have an access to an outlet power one can dim the screen to the lowest setting to make the battery last as long as possible.
3. Remember to disable the unnecessary CPU-cycle-eating processes - like auto Bluetooth device and wifi network detection to save the battery.
Satisfying Job as Medical Assistants
1. Imagine being able to serve the humanity and also being paid handsomely and the same is true as one can seek admission for medical assistant training programs and enjoy the life as the course are like icing on the cake. The pay package and related remunerations range from more than $ 55,000 per annum for a occupational therapy assistant, $67,000 per annum for a diagnostic medical sonographer and health information technicians can earn up to $50,000 per year.
2. Increased responsibity of a doctor towards his/her patient has given rise to unprecedented demand for trained health care professionals who have qualified from prestigious medical assistant schools and thus doctors, physicians, and dentists are looking for professional assistance from skilled and sympathetic caregivers,
3. Thus if an individual wants to be in the top league and be an asset for the organization than one has to just undertake the right medical assistant programs suiting an individual's temperament and can thus be a part of the team where the busy medical office or clinic do not function without a trained staff who engages with patients and can explain to them and can also perform routine medical procedures and if required assist with recovery programs and decode medical transcripts etc.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Laptop travelling Tips: III
1. If one uses PC card modem, than do remember to always carry one as a spare even if laptop has an internal modem or either use one with an X-jack connector or bring an extra dongle.
2. Take your purchase receipt along if you're traveling to a foreign country to be able to get the services offshore.
3. Make sure one knows power type and the plug type requirements for the country one is traveling as certain countries have different AC current parameters.
4. Do remember to charge your all batteries before you leave on a trip.
Laptop travelling Tips: II
1. Laptop not to be checked in as a luggage at airport or bus.
2. X-ray machines are harmless for computers at airport.
3. On long trans-Pacific flights, ask to be seated at an emergency exit because of the proximity to a 110 Volt/AC outlet right in front of each exit door in the outside wall of Boeing 747s where one can plug in and be able to use laptop uninterrupted.
Tips for Laptop Optimisation during Travelling- I
1. If one follows below listed travel tips than one will be abel to get the best advantage from his/her laptop.
2. Be familiar with your machine.
3. Laptop to be carried in original case to ward off unnecessary jerks.
4. Ensure laptop placed away from magnetic field to avoid deletion of data.
5. Do not spill any liquid on Laptop and be careful with liquid drinks kept near the device.
Winners Play More Online Backgammon to get an Edge
1. The mantra for winning while playing online backgammon is to play more which enhances an individual's chance of winning backgammon tournaments.
2. One can register for a tournament for playing backgammon online four hours prior to the commencement of tournament.
3. One can play either for money or for pure fun but do remember to download the free software for which one has to agree to their term and conditions.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Remote People can Access Information anytime, anywhere
1. A number of inexpensive tools are available for remote accessing the computer and prominent name for the same occurs in form of logmeindotcom where you can set up for free and get a password secured internet connection to your computer.
2. Thus one is never far from his/her main computer as one just requires a internet connection to the main computer and remote computer. Thus information is at tips for remote people.
Astonishing Online Backgammon Tournaments Information
1. All those who want to get the live backgammon tournaments every day have only destination and that is Gammon-world which houses the largest information about schedule of back gammon tournaments available online.
2. Gammon World allows one to play backgammon that fits their time, level of expertise and tastes.
3. It is no doubt that backgammon popularity has reached stratosphere and for that reliable portal exists in form of gammon-world.